Category Archives: Allgemein

21 recent tips for your USA business contacts

Our latest impulse article summarizes some of the most important USA business tips for you. Your advantages? Less concerns when contacting people from the USA, more fun working internationally and better results. Sound good? Then go for it! 😉

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14 recent tips for your China contacts

Our latest impulse article summarizes some of the most important China business tips for you. Your advantages? Less concerns when contacting people from China, more fun working internationally and better/faster results. Sound good? Then go for it! 😉

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Important hints to make your international travels saver; for private and business stays

A lot of countries where employees are sent on assignments abroad offer not only new professional opportunities, but also, unfortunately, increased safety risks. Read today’s blog post to find out what’s important when traveling in potentially dangerous countries. This article … Continue reading

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Collectivist or individualist? Cultural differences in group behavior!

Do you have a lot of casual acquaintances? Or a close, steady circle of friends? Maybe even since childhood? We introduce you to the world’s most important differences in group behavior among people. … What’s in it for you? The … Continue reading

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11 tips to become a successful international team: high performance and fun while collaborating

Collaborating with people from different countries can be both successful and fun at the same time. More importantly, international teams can truly perform at a high level if they keep a few crucial tips in mind. The following guide will … Continue reading

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Hierarchy: Cultural differences

Experience has shown that dealing with hierarchy is one of the most important topics when it comes to work-related communication. Considered simply, there are two distinct styles worldwide with different advantages and disadvantages: a hierarchy-oriented style and a style with … Continue reading

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Dealing with employees in China

A high amount of personal interest in employees in China is not only a sign of a good leader, but it also brings about employees’ loyalty and willingness to perform. Find out in today’s blog post what you should keep … Continue reading

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Your international contacts do not answer your e-mails? We tell you what you can do!

Not receiving e-mail answers can thwart efficient work and be stressful, especially when you’re waiting on an important answer that doesn’t arrive. Today’s blog post will provide you with tips and strategies on how you can deliberately improve your e-mail … Continue reading

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